
This can be the most connected, fulfilling, and thriving years of your life. We’re here to help build that environment for you and with you.

We exist to create villages within American society.

Some call it the ‘shoulder years’. You’ve left the nest but haven’t made a new one yet. You may find yourself in a new city or your friends scattered. Community and belonging aren’t what they used to be in this transient world. It may leave you feeling tight and disconnected.

We believe the tide is turning. That the pendulum has maxed out on individualism and we are collectively recognizing the costs. We see coliving as a way to provide the best of both worlds — the freedom of individualism and the connection of collectivism. A package deal that can boost you up your hierarchy of needs, allowing you to flourish and focus on improving yourself and the world around you.


We see a meal at a crowded table. Food is abundant. Laughter in the air. How are you really doing? Moments so poignant that a knowing smile or a hug says it all. 

We see a porch with neighbors gathered. Echos of kids playing. You walk the street, and people know you. A passing smile or a small chat to boost you to the next part of your day.

Yes, times have changed. The days of the tribe, the village, and the neighborhood may not feel within reach in our modern world. We see a beautifully bright future that bridges the past and the future. We will have to adapt, but after all, we’re human; adapt is what we do.


Meet Our Team

Kyle Gaarder


I do this work because I really believe in the power of coliving. I experienced it myself for two years living in a community called The Grove, helping build it from scratch. It was a precious time in my life and changed me from the inside out. I’m excited to be innovating in this space now and look forward to providing what was given to me.

Kirby Gordon

Social Media

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Chris Willitts

Spiritual Rascal

I was isolated and depressed during the COVID years. It made me realize how important community and relationships are to my mental health. Coliving has been a game-changer for my emotional well-being and provides a sense of family that I never had growing up. I prefer the feeling of being supported by integrated housemates over being a lone wolf.